vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

Shania Twain - From This Moment On

Shania, Regina muzicii Pop Country .
 -"From, This Moment On"
Eu Shania, sunt Regina 
in sala de concerte, pentru fanii mei.
Muzica imi este cea mai draga 
o port in suflet si in sange 
si  v-o daruiesc din inima,
Voua, dragi melomani!
Muzica si Voi
ati fost, sunteti si veti ramane 
unicii prieteni, iubiti si loiali 
care m-ati ajutat la greu, dar care
v-ati bucurat  si de succesul meu.
De aceea eu nu vă voi uita, never.
Prin Muzica si Voi 
Eu sunt o adevarata Regină, azi 
si nu atunci, cand eu am avut 
nume de regina.
Viata mi-a jucat un renghi 
si mi  luat umele, dar tot ea, generoasa 
cu ajutorul Vostru si al marilor Critici,
m-a facut cea mai faimoasa 
Regina a muzicii Pop Country .
Va iubesc si vă multumesc.
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:
Shania Queen of Pop Country.
  - "From, This Moment On"
I, Shania are Queen
in concert hall, for my fans.
Music is my dearest
I  wear in the soul and blood
and I give it, to you from the heart,
You, dear music lovers!
Music and You
have been, are and will remain
sole friends, lovers and loyal
that me helped at hard, but that
you have enjoyed and of my success.
Therefore I will not forget you, never.
Through Music and You
I am a true Queen, today.
and not then, when I had
name of queen.
Life has played a trick
and it took me the name, but all her generous
with Your help and of great Critics,
it has made me, the most famous
Country Pop Queen.
I love you and thank you.
by Teodora Stoica-Ti

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