duminică, 23 iunie 2013

Secret Garden " Sanctuary"

de cate ori, eu simt daful parfumului extrafin al muzicii romantice, temperata de stilul neo clasic, expirat de "Secret Garden", eu mă identific cu fetița orfană din filmul omonim, care prin conjunctura destinului, ea devine posesoarea unica a cheii de la poarta acestei "Gradini de Basm".
In sfarsit, dupa ce cheia a fost "furată", Doamna Iedera, prin amabilitatea prietenului, Mehmet Selen, si-a ridicat vălul si m-a lăsat să mă bucur din nou, de frumusețea "religious ceremony" din incinta "Sanctuary".
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
how many times I feel the daf the superfine perfume of the romantic music, tempered by style the neo classical, exhaled by "Secret Garden", I me identify with the orphan little girl from movie namesake, who through  destiny conjuncture, she becomes the owner of the unique key of the gate this "Garden by Fairy Tale". 
Finally, after what the key has been "stolen" by Ms. Iedera, through the kind permission the friend, Mehmet Selen, it has lifted the veil and me let to me enjoy, again by the beauty "religious ceremony" from inside "Sanctuary".
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2013

altalena lino cannavacciuolo

muzica lui Altalena Lino Cannavacciuolo este o muzica
reconfortanta, datorita stilului ei, relaxant si gratios.
Cu alte cuvinte, ea este pavată cu armonie si melodicitate.
music his Lino Altalena Cannavacciuolo is a music
comforting due to her style, relaxed and graceful.
In other words, it is paved with harmony and melodicity.

vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers

"Valsul florilor" de Tchaikovski este muzica paradisiacă:
impresionabila, ea reduce la tacere, pe meloman prin   frumusete lirica, sentimentalism romantic, ritmicitatea senzuala, etc.. 
"Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovski is music paradisiacal:
Impressive, it "reduces at silence" on music lover through lyrical beauty, through sentimentality romantic, through sensual rhythmicity etc. ..
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

joi, 20 iunie 2013

Edvard Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No.1

"Peer Gynt Suite No.1" de Edvard Grieg; este o piesa  inundata de lumina si culoare, de soare si speranta, dar
in care adie un usor vant nostalgic cu efect revigorant. 
Muzica lui Edvard Grieg, expresiva, vibranta si profunda se impregneaza in sufletul melomanului pentru todeauna.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
"Peer Gynt Suite No.1" by Edvard Grieg is a piece flooded with light and color, of the sun and hope, but
in which blows a wind slightly nostalgic with invigorating effect.
Edvard Grieg's music, expressive, vibrant and deeper is impregnates in the soul of the music lover forever.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:


muzica lui Rachmaninoff este melodica si ingenioasa; ea  se inalta din propria ei structura plina de armonie. Este simbolul muzicii rafinate.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
Rachmaninoff's music is melodic and ingenious, it rises from its own structure full of harmony. It is the symbol of exquisite music.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Leona Lewis - I Will Be

o capsula a timpului; diabolic de buna!
a capsule of the time; diabolically by good!
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Inspirational Music Norway

Citat Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Tema Om: Orice om are in el dubla nostalgie a superioritatii...

Citat Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Tema Om: Orice om are in el dubla nostalgie a superioritatii...
... intelectuale si a puritatii morale. In orice spirit, doua aripi tind sa se deschida: geniul si sfintenia."

"Any man has in him the double nostalgia of intellectual superiority and of moral purity. In any spirit, two wings tends to open: genius and holiness."
“Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, citat despre om”

vineri, 14 iunie 2013

duminică, 2 iunie 2013

Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet HD

nobody can not live "in the skin's the Romeo and Juliet" if the road is paved with flowers; it takes, always, by a "No, definitely" order to cherish value of love!
Teodora Stoica-Ti:


joy of living.
Teodora Stoica-Ti: