sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2013

Grégory Lemarchal - Je rêve (clip officiel)

Une voix hypnotique! Expressif et la sophistication artistique, sans précédent.
Merci, Grégory Lemarchal, pour ce voyage paradis.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Lacrimi de piatră

"Lacrimi de Piatra" din coltul pleopei lor, terne se preschimba in mii nestemate de culoarea curcubeului, odata ce arcusul magic al scripcei atinge coardele ei,  înaltă sori de acorduri si tonalitati pe cer.
Numai muzica compusa de faimosul compozitor, Ciprian Porumbescu, prin triumfatoare sa balada, a pictat, sculptat stanca Carpatilor Romanesti a caror varietate de cuarturi a capatat patina pietrelor pretioase, inestimabile, data de lumina si stralucirea interpretarii instrumentale, performanta si plina de acuratete. 
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

"Tears of Stone" in the corner their eyelid, terne it transforms 
in thousands precious stones, rainbow, once what magical bow of the fiddle at touching its chords, raises  tonalities and agreements by suns in the sky.
Only music composed by the famous composer Ciprian Porumbescu through his triumphant ballad, has painted, sculpted rock the Romanian Carpathians, whose variety of quartz has gained patina the precious stones, priceless, given by  shine and light the instrumental, performance and full accuracy.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013

Melina Mercouri & Vangelis - Athenes ma ville (French version) (1973)

Călatoria 'în timp si spatiu' in insorita Grecie, însoțită de cei doi artiști giganți, a căror interpretare emite ecouri, inca in întreaga lume, te urca in al noulea cer.
Vocea pioasa a lui Melina Mercour, mierea versurilor frantuzesti ale melodiei cântate, precum si fundalul instrumental, dumnezeiesc, încadreaza tema compozitie muzicale intr-un glob stralucitor de lumina feerica, ce cade pe imaginile ospitaliere ale orașului grecesc, incarcat de istorie, cultura, arta...si romantism. 
"Athenes ma ville" este povestea de iubire a faimoasei actrite si politician pentru tara sa, natala aflata intr-un moment de cumpana si pentru care ea uzeaza toate resursele pregatirii profesionale, recurgand in ultima instanta la talentul ei, actoricesc si muzical. Teodora Stoica-Ti: 
The travel 'in time and space' in sunny Greece, accompanied by the two artists giants whose interpretation the emite, still echoes in the whole world, yourself climbe in the ninth heaven.  
Voice of his Melina Mercouri, honey the verses french of the sang song and the background instrumentally, godlike, falls the theme the present musical composition into a glowing ball of enchanting light what falls on images hospitable of Grecian city, charged with history, culture, art ... and romance. 
"Athenes ma ville" is the love story of the famous actress and politician for his country, native located in a watershed moment for which she wears all resources training, ultimately resorting to her talent, acting and music. 
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2013


Rachmaninoff's music is melodic and ingenious it Rises from ITS own structure full of harmony. It is the symbol of exquisite music.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

joi, 5 septembrie 2013

marți, 3 septembrie 2013

John Sokoloff. Allow Me wmv

John Sokoloff's music resembles a perfume that is lose, seductive and sensual, but whose flavor can not forget easily.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
Fiecare noua compozitie muzicala din repertoriul lui John Sokoloff este mai deosebita si aleasa decat cealalta, pastrand stilul rafinat si elegant, caracteristic marelui artist, a carei interpretare gratiosa este o dulce mangaire pentru oricare meloman, indiferent de stare sa de moment.
In alta ordine de idei, acuratetea si executia performanta a muzicii lui John Sokoloff este timp de extaz, de la care e greu sa-ti iei adio.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Each new musical composition from the repertoire of John Sokoloff is more special and chosen than the other, keeping refined and elegant style, characteristic of the great artist, whose graceful interpretation is a sweet caress for any music lover, regardless by his condition by the moment.
In other news, accuracy the execution and its performances the John Sokoloff's musical is just time of ecstasy at who it's hard
to say you "goodbye".
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

ABC Café/Red and Black (Full Version!!) - Lyrics 2012 (Please share!!!)

tremendous movie, a breathtaking beauty.
Teodora Stoica-Ti: