vineri, 12 octombrie 2012

David Guetta - Titanium ft. Sia

Parinti cu acte
Unii oameni cand ajung parinti 
ei uită de responsabilitati.
Fara sa se gandeasca la copii 
ei se despart una, doua 
si-si impart copii sau copilul 
ca, pe un bun material.
Bieti de ei se simt straini 
si nebagati in seama de niciun parinte.
Oamenii-parinti, prin acte sunt ocupati 
cand copilul  merge in vizita la ei 
si-l paseaza ca pe o minge 
cand la unul, cand la altul.
Copilul, disperat si ramas fara mangaire 
parinteasca, dar cu credinta in Dumnezeu 
pune picioarele in spate si pleaca in lume.
va urma... 
de Teodora Stoica -Ti: 

Parents with papers
Some people when they reach parents
forget her responsibilities.
Without thinking in children
they are separated by one, two
and share their children or child
that a material good.
They feel poor foreign
and unheeded by any parent.
People-parents, the acts are busy
when the child goes to visit her
and it passes like a ball
when at one time to another.
Child, desperate and left without comfort
parents, but with faith in God
put your feet back and go in the world.
to be continued ...
by Teodora Stoica -Ti:

Un comentariu:

  1. Pelicula Titanium ft. Sia, a producatorului francez, David Gueta este drama unei fetite a caror parinti sunt divortati.
    Copilul plimbat de la unul la altul, fuge de acasa si...
    Mesajul filmului, in opinia mea este:
    -Parinti cu acte si copii lasati in custodia lui Dumnezeu.
    Teodora Stoica -Ti:
    Titanium film ft. Sion of French producer David Guet is the drama of a girl whose parents are divorced.
    The child walked from one to another runs away from home and ...
    Message of the film, in my opinion:
    -Parents with acts and children left in custody of God.
    Teodora Stoica -Ti:
