vineri, 26 octombrie 2012

Iris - Lacrimi de roua

"Lacrimi de roua" de Iris si "Povestea lacramioarelor" de Veronicla Micle ocupa acelasi loc in inima multor romani si...
Teodora Stoica -Ti:

Povestea lacramioarelor
de Veronica Micle 
Floricelele mult smerite
Pe sub tufe, tainuite, 
S-au ascuns de ochii lumii
Si de cursele minciunii.

Ele in linistea lor mare
Au privit din departare
Rele in lume câte sunt, 
Chinuri câte-s pe pamânt.

Si când ceasul de-nflorire
Le sosi, fara de stire
O durere le-a cuprins
Si din sânul lor aprins, 

Șir de lacrimi, lăcramioare, 
ele a curs lin, racoritoare
Iar din lacrimi pâna-n zori
S-au facut gingase flori.

"Tears of Dew" of Iris' and  "The story the lilies "of Veronica Micle occupy the same place in the hearts the many Romans and ...
Teodora Stoica -Ti:
The story of lilies
by Veronica Micle
Flowers, more humble
Under bushes, concealed,
Were hidden from the eyes of the world
And racing the lies.

They, in great  their silence
They looked from afar
Many are bad in the world,
Pain, one is on the ground.

And when the hour of flowering
Le come, without by news
A pain them has included
And from kindled their bosom,

String of tears, lilies,
they flowed smoothly, refreshing
And from tears until dawn
Were made gentle flowers.

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