joi, 12 decembrie 2013

Psychodelic rythem

Muzica dă eu-lui, aripi de zbor,
precum pasarii călătoare 
ce aude gongul de plecare 
si pleaca in vartej de nor 
peste 'trupul tarii' ei, inghetat 
de vorbele vantului turbat. 
Acolo sus, din inaltime 
poti aprecia a ta marime 
ca si pasarea, ce-si stie drumul 
si-si atinge scopul. 
Teodora Stoica-Ti: 

Music gives the ego, wings of flying,
as well the passage bird
who hears the gong of departure
and goes in whirlwind of cloud
over 'body the country' its, frozen
by speech the rabid wind 
Up there from height
You can appreciate of yours, size
as well as bird, what-and knows the way
and achieves its goal.
Teodora Stoica-Ti: 

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