Profetia nimfelor apelor într-un dans atemporal.
Teoora Stoica-Ti:
"Un tablou ar trebui să fie fertil. Din el ar trebui să se nască lumea. Nu are importanță, dacă vedem în el flori, oameni sau cai pentru a descoperi această lume, adică ceva viu." (Joan Miró, 1959)
Plecand de la teoria lui Isaac Newton ca timpul si spatiul sunt relative, "Interior olandez" de Joan Miro este exprimarea libertatii absolute a ego-urilor, care nu sunt de acord cu conventionalismul, la care sunt supuse de majoritatea covarsitoare a societatii cu o gandire conservatoare, fixata intr-o anume matrice.
Curentul suprarealist a fost si inca este o necesitate majora a artistilor de a transmite mesajul real al lumii in care traim, contemporanilor si posteritatii, prin operele lor de: pictura, literare, muzica, dans etc.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
Prophecy the nymphs of the waters into a timeless dance.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
"A painting should be fertile. From it should be born world. It does not matter if we see flowers, people or horses for to discover this world, something alive." (Joan Miró, 1959)
Starting from Isaac Newton's theory that time and space are relative, "Dutch Interior" by Joan Miro is the expressing of absolute freedom of the egos who disagree with the conventional, at that they are subjected by the overwhelming majority of society with a conservative thinking into a fixed matrix.
Current surreal was and still is a major need of the artists to convey the real message of the world in which we live, contemporaries and posterity, through their works of painting, literary works, music, dance etc ...
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
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