duminică, 14 septembrie 2014

Pati Yang - All That is Thirst

with finesse and gentleness, the two great artists; singer and painter takes you in loop the magical time, keeping your youthfulness, unadulterated.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

joi, 24 iulie 2014

Deep Purple - Soldier of Fortune | Lyrics Video | HQ

sweet voice, warm and beautiful, words of honey .. What you can you ask for more, than to hear "Deep Purple"? It is only light and color to the soul and body. Enjoy you!
Thanks, Chedomir Chedo.

miercuri, 11 iunie 2014

Wonderfull Chill Out Music Love Chapter 2 HD

harmony and melodiousness of this beautiful  musical palette, rich in color, light and movement, demonstrates that direct connection with nature, without prejudices, ie  with a unadulterated ego, dream becomes reality reconfortonta and relaxing in a scrolling graceful of the creature and the human spirit. Finally, it's sacred music, what  creates universal unity of a single body interpretation.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

miercuri, 23 aprilie 2014

Route 94 - My Love (Official Video) ft. Jess Glynne

comedie? Nicidecum! Mai degraba, o pelicula dramatica, a carei performanta artistica si acuratete a imaginilor picturale de animatie si coloana sonora, este un avertisment sau un tipat de ajutor catre societate. Extraordinar. video clip!
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
comedy? God forbid! Rather, a dramatic movie, whose artistic performance and accuracy of pictorial images by animation and soundtrack, it's a warning or a cry of help to society. Great video clip! Thanks, Erik van Wees.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

vineri, 4 aprilie 2014

Andrea Bocelli and Dulce Pontes - O Mare E Tu

melodic beauty and unique of rare voices, perfect choreography, whose language body ,  defines human love completes its convergence with the sacred, highlighting
again, that it's not the shame to affirm feelings, as long as have God's endorsement. 

miercuri, 2 aprilie 2014

duminică, 30 martie 2014

Ξύπνημα - Βασίλης Σαλέας - Xypnima - Vasilis Saleas

"Ξύπνημα - Βασίλης Σαλέας..", revelatie si muza.

Raiul este pe pamant.
Alaturi este si iadul.
Raiul l-am scapat,
dar el este, acum cu mine 
si drag imi este, cand uit 
de iadul in care supravietuiesc.
Nu acuz pe nimeni,
dar cazuta in el din vina mea 
incerc sa-l suport.
Mergand la mormantul meu,
aflu, intaia oara 
din palpairea lumanarilor 
si frumusetea florilor
de langa crucea cu numele meu,
că inca traiesc in inimile celor dragi. 
va urma.....................................................
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

duminică, 23 februarie 2014

Katy Perry - The One That Got Away

Frumusetea inedita a piesei, "The one that got away", ca si alte piese muzicale ale lui Katy Paerry, consta in constructia lor, regizorala si scenica, de catre artista, care stie, totdeauna sa realizeze o imbinare desavarsita intre muzica si scena; intre muzica si actiune; intre muzica si povestea narata de insusi, cantareata, a carei voce pura si cristalina, aidoma unui izvor de munte, ce se revarsa din inima ei, cu fiecare bataie, cu fiecare acord.. contopite intre ele, si strans legate de trăirile eroilor participanti la realizarea acestor mini-peliculelor, demne de gustul rafinat al melomanilor.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:  
Unique beauty of the piece, "The One That Got Away", like other music tracks, Katy's Paerry consists in their design, directorial and scenic, by the artist, who knows, always to achieve a perfect blend between the music and the scene , between music and action, between the music and the story narrated by himself, the singer, whose voice pure and crystalline, just like a mountain spring which pours her heart with each beat, with each arrangement .. amalgamated between them, and closely related feelings heroes participated in this mini-films worthy of refined taste of music lovers. 
Teodora Stoica-Ti: