Iubire egoista
Guns N 'Roses - November Rain
Din spatele cortinei vietii
fostul ei iubit, egoist
vine si cu falsitate, el
accepta fericirea iubitei,
dar apoi plateste cerul
sa se deslantuie in rafala
de "November Rain".
"November Rain" ingheata
inima iubitei pentru toteauna
si lasa inimi indoliate printre
familie si prietenii miresei.
Fara sa-i pese de nimic,
el rapeste mireasa in ceruri.
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:
Selfish love
Guns N 'Roses - November Rain
Man behind the curtain life
Her former loved, selfish
comes with falsehood and
accept happiness the girlfriend,
but then, pays the sky
to is unleashed in flurry
of "November Rain".
"November Rain" freezes
heart the beloved forever
and he let the bereaved hearts among
family and friends the bride.
Without to care about anything,
He kidnaps bride in heaven.
by Teodora Stoica -Ti:
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