miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012

Whitney Houston - One Moment in Time (Lyric)

Testament din cer

sursa: "One Moment In Time" -
- Whitney Houston

un moment din timpul meu 
Am crezut in Tine .
Si in acea clipa fatala 
am predat destinul meu,Ție.
Tu, ca un fur mi-ai luat viata in cer.
multe lucruri, eu aveam de spus 
dar cuvintele mele au ramas in eter.
Eu stiu ca Tu repeti, intr-una 
ca eu sunt vie si nemuritoare. 
Dar de acolo, de unde eu sunt 
eu nu mai pot spune, ce voiam 
pentru prietenii si fanii mei.
Langa ei, am trait clipe de extaz 
si dorul meu de ei este viu, inca.
Dar,  dragi mei melomani 
sa nu fiti tristi! 
Eu va voi iubi, mereu.
Voi ati fost 
existenta mea de beatitudine 
pe pamantul trădător 
care intr-o clipa neatenta 
m-a predat  Ingerilor 
sa ma duca acasa la God.
De aceea, eu va las:
un mic testament:
"One Moment In Time" 
Stati, cu ochii in patru 
sa nu vina Doamna Coasa 
sa secere ale voastre destine, 
mai devreme si sa nu aveti
"One Moment in Time"
al Vostru de Glorie!
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:

Testament of heaven

Source: "One Moment In Time" -
- Whitney Houston

a moment of my time
I believed in you.
And in that fatal moment
I taught my destiny,Thou.
You, as a thief took my life in heaven.
many things, I to having, to say
but my words have remained in ether.
I know that Thou repeat into one
that I'm alive and immortal.
But over there, where I am
I can not say what I wanted
for friends and my fans.
Near them, I lived moments of ecstasy
and my longing by them is alive, yet.
But, you dear music lovers
to do not be sad!
I will love you always.
You have been
My existence of beatitude
on, traitor earth
that, into a careless moment,
me handed, Angels
to take me home to God.
Therefore, I you let:
a small testament:
"One Moment In Time"
Stand with eyes in four
to do not come Mrs. Scythe
to reap by your destinies,
earlier and to have do not
"One Moment in Time"
of Your by Glory!
by Teodora Stoica -Ti:

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