Oameni Celebri, Destine Mari
Ma uit la ei si vad
scriitorii mei favoriti
cum, alearga
de colo pana colo
cautand sa supravietuiasca
din cartile lor minunate,
neapreciate de contemporanii lor.
Vad marii compozitori a caror opere
de inalta clasa , eu nu ma satur de simfoniile lor.
Il vad pe marele Charlie Chaplin
si munca lui, de pionerat
in arta cinematografica, incantand si distrand
publicul american si cel al intregii lumi.
Dar, uita-l si pe excentricul Dali ,"divinul"
cum,el s-a auto-intitulat,
alt norocos, a carei munca
a fost recunoscuta in timpul vietii sale.
Si printre ei ,eu ma intalnesc cu:
Brancusi, marele nostru sculptor,autorul
"Coloana Infinitulului", "Poarta Sarutului",
"Masa Tacerii", "Muza" etc;
Enescu, compozitorul operei Oedip,
dar si a multor ale lucrari de seama;
Eugen Ionesco ,alt oltean de al nostru,
barbat marunt ca fizic, dar mare ca
scriitor, eseist, publicist si teatrolog,
autorul Chelareta Chela si a altor piese;
Mircea Eliade, intors din India,
universitarul si autorul
a zeci de romane si al"Istoria Religiei";
Cioran,Teica si alti romani deosebiti, care
au luptat cu condeiul, penelul,dalta, diapazon
pentru Romania, desi ea i-a exilat din motive...
vad si vad sute si mii de destine
cu povesti frumoase si adevarate,
dar ma intorc in casa lui Wagner
si il rog sa-mi interpreze ceva,
cat, eu aranjez partiturile de la "Marsul Funebru".
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:
Famous People, Great Destinies
I look at them and see
my favorite writers
how running
over there until there
seeking to survive
from their wonderful books,
unappreciated by their contemporaries.
I see great composers whose operas
by high class, I do not get enough of their symphonies.
I see on the great Charlie Chaplin
and his work of pioneering
in the art cinematographic,
charming and entertaining
the American public and the world.
But I see and on eccentric Dali, "divine"
how he self-titled,
other fortunate whose work
was recognized during his lifetime.
And among them, I'm meeting with:
Brancusi, our great sculptor, author
"Column Infinitulului", "Gate of the Kiss"
"Table of Silence", "Muse" etc;
Enescu, Oedipus opera composer,
well as account of many the works;
Eugene Ionesco, another oltean of ours,
the small man physically, but great as
writer, essayist, journalist and theatrologists,
author "Chelareta Chela" and other parts;
Mircea Eliade, returned from India,
academic and author of dozens of novels
and of "History of Religion";
Cioran and other Romanian
that flavor hopper, which
fought with pen, brush, chisel, range
for Romania, although she has exiled
from "X" reasons ...
I see and I see hundreds and thousands of destinies with the beautiful and true stories.
I get back in the house of Wagner
and I ask you, something interpretation,
how I arrange scores from the "Funeral March".
by Teodora Stoica -Ti:
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