Pictura lui Paul Gauguin, pictura simpla in aparenta prin liniile cu care el isi contureaza modelele, dar coplesitoare de frumoasa
prin naturaletea si culoarea indrazneata, folosita de artist in premiera pentru a reliefa cu mai multa acuratete viata exotica a lumii primitive din Tahiti, face din artistul neinteles de contemoranii sai, cel mai ravnit si cautat pictor post-impresionist al zilelor noastre.
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:
Paul Gauguin's painting, simple painting in appearance through the lines with which shaping his models, but overwhelming by beautiful through the naturalness and bold color, used in premiere by the artist as to emphasize with more accurately, the exotic life primitive of world from Tahiti, makes from misunderstood artist by his contemoranii the most coveted and sought post-impressionist painter of our times.
by Teodora Stoica -Ti:
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