Asamblarea digitilizata a mai multor forme de arta intr-un conecept unitar, oglindeste exprimarea fizica si pshica a omului in armonie cu universul si cu contextul filmului: 'I saw you blink',
cu care s-a cuplat Charles Gallagher pentru a evidentia puterea fuzionării artei cu tehnica, necesara manifestarii contemporane de comunicare in limbajul modern, adecvat progresului.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
Assembly digitized of several of art forms into a unitary conecept, reflects physical expressing and psychiatric of man in harmony with the universe and with the context of the film 'I Saw You Blink', with who he hooked Charles Gallagher to highlight the power of
the merger of the art with technique, necessary in contemporary manifestation of communication to in modern language, adequate the progress.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
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