vineri, 12 iulie 2013


lucrarile lui Jeff Koons sunt deosebite si au valoare, nu numai artistica, ci si social culturala, deoarece el creaza  si accentueaza "caracterul murdar" cu toata gama lui de  simtaminte, senzatii, trairi, stari...numai pentru a
sublinia frumusetea naturala a vietii, pângărită si batjocorită de percepția falsă a unui segment superficial
de societate, nereceptiva la fondul problemei ca atare, adică nepregatită sa asimilize adevarul si consecinta faptelor, de teama să nu fie ridiculizați de "lumea buna" in care au gasit un loc, dar nu prin arta, ci prin mijloace mai putin ortodoxe. 
Stralucirea si lumina fascinanta a grotescului vietii, oglindită de artist in picturile si sculpturile sale, 
este preocuparea sa fundamentala de a imbunatati lucrurile, redandu-le autencitatea in plinatatea ei.
Jeff Koons este un pas de urias in arta. 
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Jeff Koons's works are great and have valuable, not only artistical, but and social-cultural because he creates and accentuates "the character dirty" with all the range of feelings, sensations, livings, moods ... only to
emphasize natural beauty of life, defiled and mocked by the false perception of a segment superficial society unreceptive to the root of the problem as such, ie unprepared to assimilate truth and consequences the facts of fear to not be ridiculed by the "world high" in which they found a place, not through art but rather through less orthodox means.
Brightness and light fascinating of grotesque the life mirrored the artist in the paintings and sculptures,
is his fundamental concern to improve things, 
restoring their authenticity in its fullness.
Jeff Koons is a huge step in the art.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

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