vineri, 24 august 2012

Puzzle, poem vietii mele de Teodora Stoica -Ti:

Puzzle, poem 

Fiind mica, visam cu ochii deschisi 
si nici  nu apucam sa deschid gura
ca, de Sus, Cineva imi indeplinea ruga. 
si astfel am avut, tot ce mi-am dorit in viata.
Eu am ajuns pe culmile cele mai inalte
Ale muntilor Vietii ,dar 
Acolo ,Sus ,am ametit si am coborat singura 
cu  privirea atintita in jur
la frumusetile omise de mine, cand am urcat.
Am innotat in largul si pe fundul marii .
Am luat cu mine comorile oceanului 
dar m-am intors pe plaja larga de nisip 
si am picat in somn adanc 
obosita, dar in extaz.
Nici, Sus pe Pisc , nici Jos in Adancuri 
nu am ramas .
Am cunoscut si trait atata fericire 
de m-am rusinat cu mine si mi-am zis :
Cine ,esti  ,tu, fato sa ai totul ,
cand pe Pamant,sunt atatea oameni 
mai capabili ,mai merituosi ?
Rusinata, cu "capul in Pamant" 
mi-am luat ramas bun de la toata lumea 
spunand ca sunt chemata in alta parte ... 
Am calatorit in toata lumea 
cu puterea mintii ,pana am invatat 
alfabetul abecedarului vietii.
Mai tarziu, cand am stiut sa scriu si sa citesc 
mi-am confruntat excursiile; 
turistice, istorice ,arheologice,culturale etc.
Mare, mi-a fost mirarea ca ce
visasem o viata intraga ,era aeva .
Fara sa fiu frumoasa sau desteapta,
am fost printesa ,am fost regina ,
am fost si prima eleva, si prima studenta 
si m-am numarat si printre 
primii profesionalisti de seama.
Insa ,nu mi-a placut sa fiu in "lumina reflectoarelor" 
si atunci m-am aruncat 
in Abis si am devenit parte din El .
Dupa o lunga meditare ,cu alt corp de argila 
m-am lasat modelata ,din nou 
dar intr-o  forma mai simpla ,mai stearsa
ca sa trec neobservata si sa-mi croiesc alt drum.
Dar, in forma noua 
succesul meu a fost mai mare
am fost saltata si mai  sus, 
trezand invidii si gelozii absurde.
De aceea,mi-am luat rucsacul si cortul in spate
si m-am izolat de toti si toate .
Dar culmea culmilor, a fost ca in izolarea mea 
am fost descoperita 
de alti siguratici boemi ca mine 
si impreuna am devenit o familie eterna 
cu vise si gusturi asemanatoare.
Imi este dor de ei.
Unii au plecat la Domnul ,iar cei ramasi 
m-au cautat ,dar eu am sters urmele 
si am fugit "hat departe" 
ca ei sa nu vada si sa sufere ca idolul lor 
este o ratata.
Am cunoscut iubirea adevarata 
m-am predat Ei,m-am contopit cu Ea 
dar nu am suportat ca ,numai eu sa am totul 
si altii mai buni ca mine , sa fie lipsiti de...
Niciodata ,nu am inteles de ce Dumnezeu 
imi pune totul la picioare; mie ,o fiinta insipida, 
copilul cel mai nereusit  al parintilor mei 
si cel mai urat si prost dintre frati.
Fratii si sora mea au fost un fel de zei 
pentru  toata lumea dar, mai ales pentru mine
venita in lume la sapte ani dupa ei.
Rebela si "Zapi' ,cum imi place sa ma alint 
Am avut familia cea mai invidiata si bogata,
prin munca depusa de mine si sotul meu, 
tatal copiiilor nostri, frumosi
in pofida faptului, ca noi doi eram banali .
Eu am fost invadata de iubirea divina .
Dar si de iubirea materna si filiala .
Insa,  a durat putin ,deoarece o forta nevazuta 
mi-a furat Totul ,lasandu-ma 
cu mana goala,aproape.
Deci , am cunoscut implinirea adevarata.
Am fost Intregul si ,inca ,mai sunt.
Dar, fiecare element din mine 
este la randul lui un mic intreg, implinit din mine .
Aceste mici elemente din viata mea 
nu sunt ,altceva, decat piesele puzzle 
care compun tabloul vietii mele.
de Teodora Stoica -Ti:


Being small, dreaming with open eyes
and do not get to open my mouth
that the Upper Someone fulfill my prayer.
and so I had everything I wanted in life.
.................................................. ...................
I reached the highest peaks
Mountains of Life, but
Heaven, I am dizzy and fell only
staring around
the beauties missed me when I went.
.................................................. ....................
I swim in the sea bed off and on.
I took with me the treasures of the ocean
but I'm back on the wide sandy beach
and I fell in deep sleep
tired, but ecstatic.
.................................................. ...........
Or, Up on the peak, or down into the depths
I was not.
I have known and experienced so much happiness
I was ashamed of me and I said:
Who, you, you, girl to have everything,
When on earth are so many people
more capable, more deserving?
.................................................. ...............
Ashamed, "head down"
I said goodbye to everyone
saying they are called elsewhere ...
.................................................. ...............
I traveled all over the world
the power of the mind, until I learned
alphabet primer life.
.................................................. .......................
Later, when I knew how to write and read
I've had trips;
tourist, historical, archaeological, cultural.
Great was my surprise that the
The entire life dreaming was Aéva.
.................................................. .................
Without being beautiful or smart,
I was princess, I was queen
I was also the first student and the first student
and I counted among
first professionals to realize.
.................................................. ...........
But, I not liked to be in the "spotlight" and then I threw
in Abyss and became part of him.
.................................................. .................
After a long meditation, another body of clay
I left modeled again
but in a more simple, more removed
to pass unnoticed and forge my new path.
.................................................. .............................
But as new
My success was higher
I was mattress and above
trezand envy and jealousy absurd.
.................................................. .......................
Therefore, I took my backpack and tent back
and I isolated from everyone and everything.
But peak heights was that my isolation
I was discovered
loneliness other bohemians like me
and together we become an eternal family
with dreams and tastes like.
.................................................. ..........................
I miss them.
Some have gone to the Lord, and the remaining
I looked, but I wiped
and ran "hat on"
they can not see and suffer as their idol
is a loser.
.................................................. ..........
I have known true love
They have taught me, I merged with It
but I could not stand that, only to have everything I
others better than me, to be deprived of ...
.................................................. ..............
Never, I do not understand why God
I put everything on foot, to me, a being insipid,
the miscarried child of my parents
and most ugly and stupid sibling.
.................................................. ...................
Brothers and sister were kind of gods
for everyone but especially for me
came into the world at seven years after they.
.................................................. ...............
Rebel and "ZAPI ', as I like to me caress
I had the most envied and rich family,
the work done by myself and my husband,
father of our children, beautiful
Despite the fact that we two were commonplace.
.................................................. ....................
I was flooded with divine love.
But and by the love of mother and subsidiary.
But it took a little as an unseen force
stole everything, leaving me
empty-handed, almost.
.................................................. ...
So, I know true fulfillment.
I was whole and still are.
But every element in me
is in turn a small whole, fulfilled in me.
.................................................. ..........................
These small pieces of my life
not, otherwise than puzzle pieces
that make up the picture the my life.
by Teodora Stoica-Ti:

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