sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Land of the Loving by David Benoit

Voice graceful, slender and full of sweetness the nectar from flowers.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
voice noble: warm, deep and very beautiful.

miercuri, 23 octombrie 2013

Halo Theme- Lindsey Stirling and William Joseph

concertul in aer liber al acestor artisti tineri si frumosi, cu o fizionomie plina de duiosie: Lindsey Stirling si William Joseph, este o comoara muzicala, plina de o vitalitate debordanta si energie creatoare.
Duetul lor este un vis, din care nu vrei sa te trezesti.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
outdoor concert of these artists, young and beautiful, with a physiognomy full of fondness: Lindsey Stirling and William Joseph, is a musical treasure, full of exuberant vitality and creative energy.
Their duet is a dream from which you do not want to wake up.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Dubstep Piano on the lake - Radioactive - With William Joseph - 4K

William Joseph is nobleness and emotional intensity.
His music and films have a great value stones:
is exquisite, unique, inedited .... and magic.
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

marți, 22 octombrie 2013

Gwen Stefani - Cool

Iubirea este o gradina de trandafiri, ca si viata.
Ei toti sunt frumosi si dupa ce alegi unul,
cand te intepi in spinul lui, tu vrei altul, 
dar, daca si acesta are spini, jinduiesti dupa primul.
Acum, ii privesti si te bucuri de amandoi, 
dar unul din ei, are suflet pentru alt gradinar.
Caci, atunci cand el zambea in zori, 
Tu, Darling "culcat pe laurii iubirii lui", 
ai uitat sa-i dai raza de lumina si lacrima din suflet 
de care el avea atata nevoie, pentru viata amandorura!
Dar nu te impacienta, ca el a gasit alinare in alt suflet 
si nu a uitat, niciodata, clipele fericite, petrecute cu tine!
Azi, cand Tu, incantat de cealalta alegere, 
dar, indecis in fata a doua iubite,  metamorfozate in roses 
a carei iubire si intelegere, pentru tine 
sunt legate de o stransa prietenie,
cu parere de rau, iti ordon sa transformi triunghiul iubirii,
in discul solar al iubirii, fara sa te mai plangi atata! 
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
Love is the a rose garden, as the life also.
They all are beautiful, and after what choose one,
when you pinch in his spin, you want another,
therefore if it has thorns, you want it on first.
Now, I watch and enjoy both,
but one of them has a soul to another gardener.
For when he smiled at dawn
You, Darling "resting on the laurels of love"
You forgot to give light beam and tear from the heart
which he badly needed for life to both of!
But do not sweat it, that he found solace in another soul
and do not forget, ever, good times, spent with you!
Today, when you, excited the other choice
but indecisive in front of two girlfriends, metamorphosed in roses
whose love and understanding for you
are related to a close friend,
regretfully, I order you to turn the triangle of love
the solar disk of love without whining so much!
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

joi, 10 octombrie 2013

Loreena McKennitt - Night Ride Across The Caucasus

O realizare desavarsita a piesei "Night Ride Across The Caucasus" in spiritul temei abordate, atat ca imagistică,
cât mai ales ca piesa muzicala, interpretatată de una dintre cele mai faimoase artiste, a carei voce nepamanteana, dezintegreaza auditorul pana la injumatatirea lui, atomica si chiar mai departe, pana la disparitia lui, transformand-ul intr-un meloman de elita ..
Teodora Stoica-Ti:
A exquisite realization of the song "Night Ride Across The Caucasus" in the spirit of the approached theme both as imaging
and especially as musical piece, interpreted by one of the most great artists; whose unearthly voice, disintegrates on auditor until halving his atomic and even further until his disappearance, the transforming him in a music lover of elite..
Teodora Stoica-Ti:

lisa gerrard - come tenderness + vespers.avi

personality the voice his Lisa Gerrard, consists in its beauty, translucid, whose timbre and vocalizations, yourself fasten in the space the time, without head and without the tail, where there are no worries day by tomorrow but only love and happiness the  immeasurable instant. Teodora Stoica-Ti:

Lisa Gerrard - Serenity


miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Validation (subtitrare lb.romana)

our beauty of all in the mirror an stunning film, full of love, wisdom and success. Look at it  and you'll have the world at his feet, whoever you are.
Thank you of his Carmen Serdan from Ozibunanet site for  recommendation the film, "Validation" and especially his Adrian Lulelaru for his subtitle, perfect in Romanian.

vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

MUZICA ADEVARATA,de odinioara,muzica de suflet,insotita de imagini din B...

Romanian spirit and character, how made him God, brought to light, thanks to Elijah Hörl, one of the few young Romanians who through art and own culture reflects the authentic beauty of Romania, whose inner structure abounds by seraphic poetry.
Teodora Stoica-Ti: